17 April 2010

KIDSTATIC's first show as an Angeleno

Tribal Cafe: Los Angeles, CA
April 12, 2010
"entertaining, and approachable" - Michael Neuhaus (onyoumusic.com)

atoms for peace at fox theater

Fox Theatre: Oakland, CA
april 15th 2010

while flying lotus failed to connect with the crowd in a way that might condone mary anne hobbs' rather grandiose comparison to Hendrix, Atoms for peace amazed as expected, in a venue as poetic as could be. the highlight was an acoustic airbag, take that chicago show!

08 April 2010

Eliot Lipp live @Low End Theory

Lipp's Eastern Development pedigree and sublime synthesizer skills may not place him in the same puddle of dubstep + bass + hiphop that Low End Theory is know to pontificate, but his bass blows speakers better than most, and his beats inspire neck movement just as deadly. It's a true shame we lost such a talented musician to New York, just a few short years before the infamous Lincoln heights bass night blew up. (1)(2)

At one point two sexy young girls jumped on stage and started dancing, testimony to the true power of the well balanced electronic sounds that make Elliot's music so universally appreciable, even in a niche as tight as a Wednesday night at the Airliner.

I caught Egadz set as well. If you, like me, are a sucker for an true pad crusher, than Egadz will deliver.

And let's not forget mear1 the least talked about and yet perhaps most talented artist in the LET cast.